Monday, January 2, 2017


Today i would like to share my moms 10 tips on weaning and feeding your baby, so that you’re prepared for the food adventures ahead:

Wean your own way and when your baby is ready.

Keep it simple to start with and gradually introduce textures and flavours.

Don’t stress over any mess your baby makes – relax as he is learning!

Go with the flow and don’t force it. Every child is different and feeding is a learning curve for you both.

Offer your baby food and if he’s ready and hungry, he will eat it.

Aim for a rainbow of colours to ensure that your baby gets a variety of nutrients.

It’s normal for a baby’s tastes to change over time. If he refuses one food one week, try again in a few weeks’ time.

Quality, organic ready-made baby foods can be convenient when you’re busy or on the go. You can also supplement
these with cut-up fresh soft fruit, such as bananas, and raisins, as your baby moves onto solid foods.

When your baby is four to six months old, he will need approximately five milk or formula feeds a day, with one to two supplementary veg, fruit or cereal portions.

When your baby is aged six to eight months, he will likely need around three to four milk or formula feeds per day, alongside three solid meals, which include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fat.